We, Etki Schools,

Commit ourselves to prepare curious, questioning individuals to life by discovering the specific learning style of each student at this stage where the foundation of education is laid, in a happy environment equipped based on universal principles and leave a permanent and nice effect on their lives.

We have adopted the principle of preparing our students who are newly acquainted with the academic life to the secondary education as individuals equipped with solid educational background and love. We aim to raise modern generations who are helpful to themselves and their country, open minded and productive with our studies. We want to see the children we raise to carry us forward and become our pride by looking after their essence without being indifferent to the developments around the world. 

Each individual is special and there are no children who cannot learn…

In line with our philosophy of education, we aim to enable our students to discover their own learning methods in a safe environment. Acting in this direction, we prevent loss of time and self-confidence in the learning process.

7 Impacts of Etki College


Themed Education Model created based on the principle of “Primary Outcome of Education is the Future”. What is themed education model? Themed education, also known as the interdisciplinary approach in educational sciences, is aimed to free students from the muddle of knowledge. The subject covered in one course is also associated with other courses. In each lesson, children who learn the same theme are prevented from staying under the pile of information. To clarify with an example, our students who learn the subject of spring in life science class, go through the same theme in English class, and learn music with spring theme. The subjects become easier to reinforce and learning becomes permanent.


An Original Education Program Blending Academic and Social Skills in a balanced way. In our training program, we aimed not only to learn but also to have fun. With the traditional games lesson, we aimed to transfer our culture to the students through the games we played during our childhood with the classroom teachers once a week.


Experienced and expert management and education staff. Our teachers who will be role models for our children are chosen through a meticulous process. The management staff has a teaching background and received pedagogical formation.


High Motivation, Self-Confidence and Success with Child-Oriented Teacher and Teaching System. “Fate of countries depend on the education of their people” says Albert Einstein. Our children’s education is crucial at this point. We, Etki College, aim to raise happy individuals ready for life with our philosophy of “people first”. Primary school influenced all of us in the later periods of our lives. We are with our children to ensure that they take their first steps on the path of life and run when the right time comes. As Gardner explains in his theory of multiple intelligences, it is impossible for every individual to have the same type of intelligence. Therefore, each individual will have different ways of accessing information. The important thing is to bring out the curiosity of our children new to the academic life with appropriate learning methods. Because the first step of learning is curiosity. Our students learn basic skills by experiencing through playing games, having fun, doing drama, brainstorming, group discussions. In our programs, which were created by taking into consideration the differences of students, we aimed for each student to find themselves. By addressing all five senses of our students, we approach them with a wide range in education.


Drama, Play and Speech Weighted Intensive English Teaching Method. The Common European Framework forms the basis of foreign language teaching at Etki College. According to their development levels, our students take the exams of Starters, Movers and Flyers of Cambridge University with international accreditation. The importance of foreign language education is increasing day by day as it is impossible to remain indifferent to the changes in both our country and the world. In a globalizing world, the common point in communication is passing through the common language. When we look at today's conditions, we can all agree that this language is English. It is accepted that the period where learning a foreign language is the fastest is between the ages of 2-12. While a newborn baby has an average of one billion neurons in his brain, this figure is almost halved at the end of his childhood. Because the brain works on the principle of “Discard the Unused “. For this reason, we give English education in our institution starting from kindergarten and intensively continuing in primary school, with native and Turkish English teachers. Considering that learning English accelerates the learning of both mother tongue and other foreign languages, we aim to make our students internationally equipped. While laying these foundations, we consider their developmental characteristics. We introduce them to English with a game and drama-oriented education and allow them to enjoy the intense education they receive and make them learn by having fun without realizing.


Boutique Wooden Textured School. The first feature of our school to catch the eyes is the wooden, natural look of the building. Considering that our children will spend a significant amount of time in the school, we aim to provide them the most healthy and peaceful environment to receive education in. 


There are Culture Center, Library, Swimming Pool, Painting and Plastic Arts Workshop, Music Workshop, Science Laboratory, Computer Laboratory, Sports Hall and Ballet Room in our school in order to give our children different social and scientific competencies.

The food list that we have created considering the daily protein and calorie needs of our children is regularly prepared by our cook at our school. Three meals a day are prepared and served in the dining hall: breakfast, lunch and afternoon breakfast.